Sponsorship Opportunities


Our high-speed media environment moves faster by the second and no one’s pausing for long. You know it matters more than ever to target your message, product or service. You can be sure your message is reaching a clearly targeted audience, one that’s always looking for new ways to enhance its educational programming. A sponsorship opportunity with CIS Ontario gives you the opportunity to connect with a network of committed and passionate faculty and staff members within our 47 member schools. With opportunities ranging from websites to e-newsletters, there are various touch points for exposure to this discerning audience of education professionals.

Together we are stronger

Together we work to create and participate in exemplary student and professional programming. By connecting and collaborating, we amplify our opportunities to deliver excellence within our member schools. And by aligning with us, your brand benefits by the support you give to us in our mission and values.

Legacy of Excellence

  • Our 47 member schools have founding dates ranging from 1829 to 2002.
  • We advocate for quality independent-school education for 27,000 students and offer collaboration opportunities for more than 5,000 employees.
  • CIS Ontario was incorporated in 1983, replacing and building upon two more informal networks of independent schools, with a new association designed to serve twenty-three member schools within the province.  
  • We are closely affiliated with the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools, the national association that accredits the majority of our schools. We are also members of the National Association of Independent Schools (U.S.) and the Independent Schools Association Network (U.S.). In addition, we liaise with the Ontario Ministry of Education and The Ontario College of Teachers on behalf of our member schools.

The Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario (CIS Ontario), is a one-stop network for supporting leadership and excellence in independent school education.

2024–2025 Sponsorship Opportunities

Please note, to be considered as a Sponsor you will need to provide at least one referral from one of our members schools (returning sponsors are exempt).

CIS Ontario Signature Sponsor

  • A custom marketing plan developed with the CIS Ontario team & your organization.
  • Listing on the ‘Our Sponsors’ page of our website.  This includes displaying your logo and linking to a customizable webpage. The webpage will include a company overview and a link to your website. Embedded video, images and links to your social media are also options.
  • Logo placement on all professional learning event & student event communications for the duration of the 2024-2025 season.
  • Option to post up to 4 announcements, articles or news stories on our News Page related to or benefiting CIS Ontario members.
  • Top placement in our December Principal Sponsor communication to the CIS Ontario community acknowledging your support and opportunity to share community messaging, this can include a product or service promotion ad.
  • In September, your company logo will be added to our Professional Learning Events page for the duration of the school year.
  • Company logo with hyperlink to your website in the top location in the footer of our quarterly newsletters. These newsletters are circulated to our entire membership.
  • Option to submit an article to be displayed in the top location in the quarterly newsletter. The article must be related to your service/product in action at one of our member schools.
  • Option to provide two one hour product/service webinar to a targeted CIS Ontario network. Content to be approved by CIS Ontario.
  • Complimentary exhibitor booths (if applicable to the event) at all in-person Professional Learning events for 2024-2025 event season. See our professional Learning page for more information on events. Note that some events do not have an exhibitor fair. Please reach out to Jeremy Barr at jbarr@cisontario.ca for additional details. 
  • Possibility of re-posting social media tagged @cisontario, if applicable.

Quantity: Only 1 spot is available at this level


CIS Ontario Premier Sponsor

  • Listing on the ‘Our Sponsors’ page of our website. This includes displaying your logo and linking to a customizable webpage. The webpage will include a company overview and a link to your website. Embedded video, images and links to your social media are also options.
  • Logo placement on all professional learning event & student event communications for the duration of the 2024-2025 season.
  • Option to post up to 4 announcements, articles or news stories on our News Page related to or benefiting CIS Ontario members.
  • Premium alpha-placement in our December Principal Sponsor communication to the CIS Ontario community acknowledging your support and opportunity to share community messaging, this can include a product or service promotion ad.
  • In September, your company logo will be added to our Professional Learning Events page for the duration of the school year.
  • Company logo with hyperlink to your website in a premium location in the footer of our quarterly newsletters. These newsletters are circulated to our entire membership.
  • Option to submit an article to be displayed in a premium location in the quarterly newsletter. The article must be related to your service/product in action at one of our member schools.
  • Option to provide a one hour product/service webinar to a targeted CIS Ontario network. Content to be approved by CIS Ontario.
  • Two complimentary exhibitor booths (if applicable to the event) at our in-person events for 2024-2025 event season. See our professional Learning page for more information on events. Note that some events do not have an exhibitor fair. Please reach out to Jeremy Barr at jbarr@cisontario.ca for additional details. 
  • Possibility of re-posting social media tagged @cisontario, if applicable.

Fee: $5000 for placement September 1, 2024– August 31, 2025

Quantity: Only 5 spots are available at this level

CIS Ontario Principal Sponsor

  • Listing on the ‘Our Sponsors’ page of our website. This includes displaying your logo and a pop-up (via a Read More link) which includes a brief company overview (2 - 4 paragraphs) and link to your website.
  • Option to post up to 2 announcements, articles or news stories on our News Page related to or benefiting CIS Ontario members.
  • December Principal Sponsor communication to the CIS Ontario community acknowledging your support and opportunity to share community messaging, this can include a product or service promotion ad.
  • In September, your company logo will be added to our Professional Learning Events page for the duration of the school year.
  • Company logo with hyperlink to your website in our quarterly newsletters. These newsletters are circulated to our entire membership.
  • Option to submit an article in the quarterly newsletter related to your service/product in action at one of our member schools.
  • One complimentary exhibitor booth (if applicable to the event) at our in-person events for 2024-2025 event season. See our professional Learning page for more information on events. Note that some events do not have an exhibitor fair. Please reach out to Jeremy Barr at jbarr@cisontario.ca for additional details. 
  • Possibility of re-posting social media tagged @cisontario, if applicable.

Fee: $1500 for placement September 1, 2024– August 31, 2025

Quantity: Only 10 spots are available at this level

CIS Ontario Supporting Sponsor

  • Listing on the ‘Our Sponsors’ page of our website. This includes displaying your logo and a pop-up (via a Read More link) which includes a brief company overview (2 - 4 paragraphs) and link to your website.
  • December Holiday Message/Sponsor communication to the CIS Ontario community acknowledging your support and opportunity to share community messaging; this can include a product or service promotion ad.
  • Company logo with hyperlink to your website in our quarterly newsletters. These newsletters are circulated to our entire membership.
  • Possibility of re-posting social media tagged @cisontario, if applicable.

Fee: $1000 for placement September 1, 2023 –August 31, 2024

CIS Ontario Friend Sponsor

  • Listing on the ‘Our Sponsors’ page of our website. This includes displaying your logo and a pop-up (via a Read More link) which includes a brief company overview (2 - 4 paragraphs) and link to your website.

Fee: $500 for placement September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024

CIS Ontario Non-Profit Associate Sponsor

  • Non-profit organizations are welcome to participate in the CIS Ontario sponsorship program at a discounted rate. Please contact events@cisontario.ca to discuss options and pricing.

CIS Ontario Event/Trade Show Sponsor

  • Opportunities may become available throughout the year at some of the Association’s Professional Learning Events. These will be one off events and sponsorship benefits and costs will be determined as opportunities emerge. 

  • Please look to the Professional Learning page and the Student Programs page for sponsor opportunities, if available. 

For additional information, please contact:

Jeremy Barr
Event Manager