Supporting Students' Wellbeing Conference
Formerly called the Student Life Conference, this is a lively and engaging opportunity for all faculty and staff in the areas of learning support, counselling, boarding, wellbeing, student life and health services. The day is recommended for administrators and staff involved in school life and student support, and all teachers, especially those working in guidance, boarding, student services and learning strategies. The program mix includes keynote and workshop sessions, and informal time for connection and collaboration.
About the 2019 Supporting Students' Wellbeing Conference
On December 6, 2019 CIS Ontario teachers, health care professionals and administrators involved with student wellbeing joined us for a day of workshops and shared strategies to support students' wellbeing in our schools. During "job alike" discussions, participants who share common roles also had the opportunity to make inter-school connections and establish areas of common need.
Conference Materials for CIS Ontario Members
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