Leadership Lab Registration

2024–2025 Series

Any CIS Ontario educator at any level is welcome to participate. 
Registration for the CIS Ontario Leadership Lab requires prior approval by your school for the 2024–2025 academic year. The cost of this professional development is $995 per participant, which CIS Ontario will bill directly to each school in October 2024.

Register by completing the form below.

Registration for the Leadership Lab 2024–2025 is now closed. Please get in touch with Jeremy Barr, Event Manager, at jbarr@cisontario.ca with any questions. www.cisontario.ca/leadership-lab
CIS Ontario Leadership Lab – a Cohort 21 Community


Tracy Faucher
Deputy Head
Holy Trinity School

Garth Nichols
Vice Principal Experiential Education & Innovation
Havergal College

Graham Vogt
National Homestay and Recruitment Manager
YES Canada

For additional information, please contact:
Jeremy Barr
Event Manager