Drama Educators' Network Professional Learning Day
This is a day of enriching professional learning from a drama lens. All member schools are welcome, even those not planning to be part of the CISDF Drama Festival. There’s a hosted dinner and an opportunity to view an exciting performances at North America’s largest classical repertory theatre company. Past workshop sessions with teaching artists from Stratford have included fostering students’ ideas and helping them develop new plays in class, and working with a choreographer and creative movement director, to explore new ways to stage a piece.
Professional Learning Day 2024
The 2024 Drama Educators' Network Professional Learning Day will be held October 4, 2024 at Stratford Festival.
CIS Ontario Middle and Senior Drama Educators join us to:
- participate in teacher-focused workshops with Stratford artists
- network with drama colleagues from CIS Ontario member schools
- learn about CISDF 2024-2025 and assist in the planning
- tour Stratford Festival facilities where CISDF 2024-2025 will be held
- share in a group dinner at a local restaurant
- see a Stratford show with your peers
Drama educators who teach any grades are welcome to participate, however, please note some of the agenda will be dedicated to CISDF 2024-2025 for middle and senior school students.
To view all of the details, including the agenda, please login to CISO Connect and visit your Drama Educators' Network Hub.
Professional Learning Day 2023 at Stratford Festival
CIS Ontario drama educators joined their network peers on September 29, 2023, at Stratford Festival to participate in teacher-focused workshops with Stratford artists, network with drama colleagues from CIS Ontario member schools and assist in planning CISDF 2024. The group toured Stratford Festival facilities, enjoyed dinner at a local restaurant and saw a Stratford show of their choice: Grand Magic, Rent or Monty Pythons' Spamalot.
A Reflection on the Value of Professional Conversations and Development with CIS Ontario Drama Educators, by Brendon Allen
Drama educators, please join us on the members-only CISO Connect Drama Educators' Network Hub to network with your peers.
Drama Educators' Network Professional Learning Day 2023
CISDF 2023 – CIS Ontario Drama Festival
A big thanks to Christian Peterson and his team at ED_PARA for filming these videos for CIS Ontario.
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