Application Process

Heads should review the CIS Ontario Membership criteria. Candidate schools should expect to receive a visitation and undergo a formal approval process.

Process overview:

  • Initial conversation with CIS Ontario Executive Director to determine qualifications. followed by a preliminary visit to the school.
  • Formal application with written materials addressing financial, academic and governance standards
  • If then qualified, the CIS Ontario review team visits and reviews. (The review team comprises two heads of school, a chief financial officer, a governance committee member and the executive director.)
  • The review team report is presented to the CIS Ontario governance committee for evaluation
  • The CIS Ontario board will review all materials and nominate the school for approval at the next CIS Ontario AGM (early November).

Ready to apply?

Heads of schools interested in pursuing membership are invited to contact CIS Ontario Executive Director Sarah Craig at 647-302-8622;

CIS Ontario (The Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario) provides a collegial forum to promote excellence in education among our 47 member independent schools and their 27,000 students.

Are you an employee of one of our 47 member schools? If so, you are already a member of CIS Ontario and have access to our networking and professional development opportunities. Please see the Member Portal login page for more information.