Login to our Member Community
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Please provide your username and password to log in.
Forgot your login?
Please enter your email address. Instructions for retrieving your username and resetting or creating your password will be emailed to you. You must already have an account with us, with your school email on file, in order to receive these instructions. If you do not receive an email in a timely manner please reach out to members@cisontario.ca to ensure you are in our system.
Create a new Password
Please enter your username and create a new password.
Need Access?
If you are an employee of any of our CIS Ontario member schools you have the ability to login to our Member Portal and to CISO Connect – the same login is used for both.
New to CIS Ontario?
If you recently started your employment at one of our member schools you will need an account. Please fill in this membership form to get started and allow for up to a week to receive your login instructions.
Forgot your Login?
If you are NOT a new employee at one of our members schools there is a good chance you already have a login. Please use the 'Forgot Username and Password' link above. If your school email address has not changed recently you will receive a message to your inbox.
Still waiting for the email? Remember to check your spam folder and add the following to your Allowlist members@cisontario.ca and noreply@cisontario.myenotice.com.
Please contact members@cisontario.ca with questions about membership.
Member Portal
Logging in to the CIS Ontario Member Portal will give you access to resources such as the Yearly Planning Calendar, OTIP information, the CIS Ontario Policy Manual (role-based), and the BLG Zoom Meeting Repository (role-based). It will also automatically give you access to CISO Connect where we gather as a community.
CISO Connect
Join your colleagues and peers on CISO Connect to network, share ideas and resources and learn something new! Visit connect.cisontario.ca and login. Click Communities > My Communities in the top menu. If your Network is listed there you are already a member and can click to access. If your Network is not listed go to Communities > All Communities, find your network in the list and click the button to JOIN.