- Professional Learning
Thank you to our fantastic Nurses' Network – you are an invaluable resource to our member schools.
In recognition of the dedication and commitment of school nurses to our member schools over the past three years, CIS Ontario was thrilled to host a special Nurses' Network Retreat, in beautiful Jordan, ON, on May 11th and12th, 2023, instead of our regular spring in-person meeting. In addition, we were very excited that the retreat took place during National Nursing Week!
The retreat program included an in-depth presentation on Thursday afternoon by the team from Action First Aid about their first aid training model and how it might be used in CIS Ontario schools to meet employee training needs for first aid, CPR and AEDs. On Friday morning, BLG legal counsel presented a special session on health-related legal issues specifically for school nurses. There were also fantastic discussions focussed on job-a-like topics and social time to celebrate together. A big thank you to Gina Ranger, R.P., College Counsellor, Hillfield Strathallan College for facilitating the crafty wellness activity of making lavender sugar scrubs for self-care.
Thank you to our Dinner Sponsor – ACTION FIRST AID
Action First Aid, a CIS Ontario Principal Sponsor, is one of Ontario’s largest WSIB approved First Aid Training Agencies with a passion and expertise in creating Cardiac Safe Schools. With over 25 years experience, they have developed customized programs and products that empower people to take action. Action First Aid is also a leading AED distributor supporting all makes and models. They specialize in helping schools and large institutions implement and properly manage any AED program. Driven to reduce death from Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Action First Aid is also leading a national movement to place Outdoor SaveStations closer to people to increase immediate access to a lifesaving AED 24/7.