Being a bit proud of the greatest student drama festival in Ontario – CISDF!

Being a bit proud of the greatest student drama festival in Ontario – CISDF!
  • CISO Connect Networks
  • Professional Learning

It is always looked down upon to boast; some folks might even say it is "un-Canadian" to brag. Humility in the Arts is needed, and often, in the world of Theatre, we are encouraging our young actors to see the value of the collective over a star-focused system.

That being said, as Drama educators from across our province gathered for yet another powerful day of Professional Development at Stratford Festival on October 4, I was struck by a particular reality. Drama and Theatre teachers are so darn polite and humble.

It was so lovely to see so many colleagues gather to learn together and engage with productions and workshops. It was exciting to discuss plans for the Middle School and Senior School CISDF Drama Festivals – both occurring at Stratford Festival – and to see how the programming has continued to evolve and become even more timely. Yes, Drama teachers are polite and humble, and sometimes that does us a disservice.

The CISDF Drama Festival offerings are top-notch, and we need to become less shy about shouting it from the rooftops. The powerful learning that happens when the students in our schools come together is very unique and poignant. We have to stop be so "demure" (as the kids may say) and start knocking down the doors of leadership because this is an exciting happening and if your school is missing are sooooo missing out.

Needless to say, Middle School and Senior School festivals are something to boast about, and I was struck by how often independent school Drama teachers are tentative about saying it. Well, let me:
The CISDF Drama Festival offerings are the best in the province!!
We need to be less shy about saying it.

I hope to see all of you at this year's Middle CISDF on October 25, 2024, and the Senior CISDF on April 23–25, 2025, and if you need more reasons to bring your students to CISDF, reach out, as I'm always happy to promote something when I believe in it.

Dramatically yours, 

Brendon Allen
Drama and Theatre Coordinator, Upper Canada College
CIS Ontario Drama Educators' Network Lead


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