Did you join us at a 2021-22 Winter Teacher Recruitment Career Fair?

Did you join us at a 2021-22 Winter Teacher Recruitment Career Fair?
  • Announcements

Winter 2021-22 saw CIS Ontario participate in several virtual university teacher recruitment career fairs. Our volunteers were on hand to present online for the University of Ontario, OISE, Queen’s, Lakehead, Western, Brock, Ottawa french & english sectors, Trent and McGill. Students currently enrolled in Bachelor and Master of Education programs joined us for presentations and conversations. Our volunteers did an exceptional job of elevating the CIS Ontario brand and the value of working in our member schools. A sincere thank you to all for sharing their expertise and passion for working within CIS Ontario schools.

Please be on the lookout in fall 2022 for more on how you can participate in an upcoming fair. It is a rewarding experience to engage with potential new talent and share your experiences of working in amazing facilities that offer incredible resources and programs for teachers and students.

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