Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

CIS Ontario commits to strengthening diversity, inclusivity, and equity within the association where all students, volunteers and employees, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or gender identity, education or disability, feel valued and respected.

The association’s nondiscriminatory approach promotes equal opportunity for volunteerism, employment and advancement. We honour and appreciate the richness of varied life experiences, striving to foster an inclusive environment where every voice is respected and embraced.

To provide informed, authentic leadership for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in the pursuit of pluralism, CIS Ontario strives to:

  • Value diversity, inclusion, and equity as mission critical to ensure the wellbeing of our employees and the educational communities we serve
  • Acknowledge and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems, programs and services, and continually update and report association progress
  • Explore potential underlying, unquestioned assumptions that interfere with inclusiveness
  • Recognize the contributions and historic importance of Indigenous peoples through our collective commitment to make the promise, the challenge and the opportunities of Truth and Reconciliation real within the association and our school communities
  • Advocate for and support board-level thinking about how systemic inequities impact our association’s work, and how best to address them in a way that is consistent with our mission and values
  • Practice and encourage transparent communication in all interactions
  • Commit time and resources to expand more diverse leadership within our board, employees, committees, and volunteers
  • Lead with respect and tolerance as we embrace this notion and express it in workplace interactions and through everyday practices

CIS Ontario Strategic Directions 2024 and Beyond

Within these pages, you will discover a blueprint that articulates our vision for 2024 and beyond. From ensuring the delivery of high-quality inter-school student experiences to building the long-term relevance and sustainability of our association, our strategic directions are anchored in the values that guide CIS Ontario and the member schools of our association.